This is me. I am the chief of sinners saved by grace. At the height of my greatest prosperity, I had my greatest fall. When I hit rock bottom, I had nowhere to turn except back to the foundation that was planted in me by loving Christian parents. I poured myself into the Word of God and discovered an entirely different God than the One I thought He was. I found a loving Father that insisted on talking about His love for me and not my sin. I fell in love with the Bible. I could not get away from it. The more I studied, the more aware I became that many of the things I previously believed could not be substantiated with Scripture. That realization only fueled the flames of passion in me for His Word.

Fast forward to today. After praying for years for God to give me a purpose, He finally showed me mine. It is talking about my passion, His Word. I never imagined I would be a published author. I had never considered nor had I desired to write a book. But here I am by His grace, author of a book and creator of a blog, all for HIs glory.

My desire is to help others understand God's Word. I love to talk about it. It is my favorite subject of conversation. I do not know what God will do with this blog, but I just want to help people know what an awesome, loving Father we have in heaven and I have found that the Bible is the greatest love story ever told. (Sorry if I got that somewhere else. It sounds familiar.)

I hope that this blog both encourages and educates others. I have no idea what I will regularly write about. I am going to leave that up to the Holy Spirit. Where He leads, I will follow. That being said, if you find an obscure passage that you struggle to understand, please send me an email and I will do my best to study it, meditate on it, and answer how I believe the Holy Spirit is leading. I want to help, but I want to do it in a way that brings glory to my Savior.

God bless you,

Alex DeLaGarza