"...opening this blog has definitely been illuminating because it's stirring something in me about the devotional I use to read for my family years ago. Thanks for sharing..."  -Newon

"Great word, Alex! I like the bike analogy. As someone who has spent the last few years working out my salvation (with plenty of fear and trembling) I appreciate the reminder that I have been made clean thanks to the blood of Christ."  -Donnie

"I just wanted to say that I love and appreciate you beyond words for your commitment to God and diligent study of His word. You sharing the writings of your book and the blog has been uplifting and enriching to my soul. I absolutely love how you use the scriptures to make clear the messages of God. I am still reading with excitement and gratitude and will share what I learn with anyone willing to listen." - TJ

"Love your approach in breaking down Scripture in layman's terms for better understanding, while I desire to draw closer to God. It's evidently driven by The Holy Spirit's anointment on your written words. Grateful for your time doing this, for myself and others to be filled with God's Spirit and love."  -James